Telecommunications management services are no risk with Auditel.
There is no ROI since there is NO INVESTMENT required.
Think of Telecom Expense Management in a different way.
Why pay hourly fee or flat fees monthly for TEM services?
Why go through days of learning software upgrades?
Having Auditel is like having a Telecom Team in your office.
We can furnish any reports you need easily, quickly, and accurately
Our telecom service delivers so much more than inventory,
We constantly audit, and review your telecom services,
Telecom Service inventory, telecom contracts, and telecom invoices are updated.
We deliver highest telecom recovery and telecom savings,
Our fee? A small portion of telecom recovery and savings.
It’s a new way to experience Telecom Expense Management
It’s a fresh approach
And if we don’t deliver recovery or savings,
There is no fee
Auditel brings a great challenge to the Telecom expense management software approach; no risk and no investment are different, yes a bit unusual. But after 31 years we are confident we can surpass any telecom software based TEM, or competitor. We provide TEM for contingency pricing, and we offer the lowest pricing on the market, so why go elsewhere. Why not have your telecom expense management company reviewed, even tested? Are you certain they are powerful enough to pass our quality check? Auditel telecom expense management brings an alternative to Telecom Expense Management and TEM approach. It’s great news to those wanting to check their software company tools and deliverables.
Would Auditel conduct a telecommunications management review on my telecom services? We have been using another TEM company for years, and haven’t seen many refunds or recovery
Auditel will conduct a telecom expense management audit on all of your voice telecom services; to include all wired and wireless phones (landline, mobile, wireless, or cell phones). For data services we provide management for data cards, air-cards, hotspots, VOIP, MPLS, SD-Wan, and internet services. We deliver serious telecom cost reductions and highest telecom recovery to your business budget. We are second to none in the telecommunications management industry. Above average savings to demonstrate Auditel can deliver more telecom savings and yet, our telecommunication management services will cost you less!
We uncover so many items that bring telecom recovery. We can’t possibly list them all the telecom recovery items here, but you can rest assured, we will leave nothing behind. Common items, for example billing errors, contract compliance, and incorrect tariffs are good places to begin the capture of billing disputes.Furthermore, Auditel is a telecom training institute and we already know so many avenues to find recovery. Let our savings and recovery be the proof. Your business has absolutely nothing to lose using our services, and everything to gain. Auditel delivers highest telecom recovery and savings.
What is included in telecommunications management services from Auditel?
Telecom management includes wireless and wired service optimization. In addition fixed and wireless contract compliance review. Telecom billing consolidation, centralized landline, wireless invoice consolidation including all wired and wireless phones. Also includes landline, mobile, or cell phones, detailed telecom inventory. Auditel professionals manage and control expenses by staying current with technology updates.In addition, this knowledge gives our clients insight into all voice, digital and analog services. Technology updates are important to growing business we keep our clients updated on all the telecom service impacting changes in the industry including any new telecom discounts and options available to maximize their expense management for both wired and wireless savings.

For accurate telecommunications management with over three decades in business contact Auditel.
Can you tell us what kind of findings to expect with telecommunications management?
Auditel has made our business all about delivering findings. Our investigations reach is far, and much further than you can see on the top of your telecom invoice. We dissect your telecommunication invoices and pull them apart piece by piece, following detail by detail to uncover all the evidence we need to understand your entire telecom service. We also locate over payments made to telecom service providers, and vendors. These may be the result of incorrect rates based upon established telecom tariffs, tariff violations, duplicate payments, pricing errors, erroneous payments (invoices paid to incorrect telecom vendor), or overlooked telecom refunds.
Do we need to purchase telecom software to use Auditel services?
There is no need to purchase telecom software when using our services moreover, with our telecommunications management solutions we provide telecom reporting. These reports can always be customized internally whenever your team wants to make changes. There is no risk and no investment required with Auditel’s telecommunications management and wireless management solutions. Additionally,there are no upfront fees.
Auditel telecommunications management and wireless management services will eliminate the guesswork and remove the mistakes in wired and wireless phones (landline, mobile, wireless, or cell phones), data, data cards and other services. In our wireless audit we uncover so many more items that bring telecom recovery. We can’t possibly list all the telecom recovery items here, but you can rest assured, we will leave nothing behind in search of telecom savings and recovery. Common items like billing errors, contract compliance, and incorrect tariffs are good places to begin the capture of billing disputes.
Since Auditel also provides professional telecom training workshops, we teach your staff how to find maximum recovery. So, let our service, savings and recovery be the proof. Because your business has absolutely nothing to lose using our telecommunications management services, and everything to gain. There is No Risk with our telecom expense management services. Furthermore, there is no ROI since there is NO INVESTMENT required. To conclude, Auditel delivers highest telecom recovery and savings.

Start out with a clean slate after our telecommunications management. No worries, no investment, no risk.
So, take the Auditel challenge and find out what is inside your telecom expense. Moreover, for 31 years we’ve delivered telecom audit findings that led to telecom refunds of $125M to date with no telecom software purchase. Visit Telecom News for more on telecom settlements and lawsuits including telecom refunds.