What is telecom auditing?
Telecom auditing is the process of ferreting out the mistakes and overcharges in all telecom related invoices.
Auditel analyzes, reconciles, and investigates all telecom related services, usages, telecom contracts, and fees. As we uncover errors, tariff violations, over billings, mistakes in telecom taxes, and surcharges.
Auditel is a telecom auditing company. We’ve been auditing telecom bills for over 31 years and we are a technology leader in telecom audits. We don’t just audit phone and telecom bills to find telecom savings, deliver telecom inventory. But, we are known for the large telecom refunds we uncover. We’ve delivered over $135 million in telecom refunds to date. There are many telephone auditing companies in the world, But Auditel is a global telecom auditing company. We are a well known for bringing additional telecom refunds, and recovery. Learn more on what is telecom bill auditing.
What are some telecom auditing project deliverables?
Our telecom audits deliver highest telecom refund and monthly telecom bill cost reduction savings on contingency
- We require less internal resources time
- Our Drill Down forensic analysis is superior
- We deliver the maximum telecom auditing savings
- Complimentary telecom inventory showing digital spend included with a full audit
- Auditel detailed telecom reporting keep your team in control of the audit process
- Detailed digital spend inventory reports include voice, data, and wireless services
- We deliver the best customer service, just ask any of our clients
- We bring information and telecom savings on the latest technology such like SD-WAN
- Telecommunication Auditing and Tariff Investigations on telecom billing errors
- Tax and exemption review to identify any errors, unclaimed tax exemptions,
- Telecom surcharges and fees are reviewed by Auditel to determine accuracy.
- Contingency based telecom auditing fees provide savings with no risk and no investment.
- We pay attention to all telecom taxes including Local, City, County, State, and Federal taxes.
- We audit all telecom and telephone taxes and regulatory fees including: Regulatory fees, telecom taxes, and surcharges, 911 fees, Federal Excise Tax, Local Number Portability (LNP) Charge, Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS) Charge, Federal Access Recovery Fee, and the Federal Universal Service Fund (USF).
<h2>More on Telecom Auditing
Why do the fees in telecom bills continue to increase?
Telecom audit services and their corresponding fees, service charges, and taxes change frequently. Technology changes are constantly bringing speed, and flexibility to make it simple to talk on the move, and work from practically anywhere. Unfortunately, telecom services continue to rise, surcharges and fees are indeed increasing making them necessary items to review.Also, learn more about tech changes in our technology glossary and telecom terms dictionary.
How far back in the telecom audit can we get telecom recovery?
When asked the question, how do we capture every billing mistake in each telecom bill. We reply, first, we organize the telephone bills and telecom bills. Next, we identify the telecom tax, tariff and billing mistakes, and track usages, and telecom errors back to service established date SED, (aka service inception) in most cases. Nevertheless, the length of time to claim telecom recovery disputes filed with the telecom Service Providers can vary, and may be affected by many factors. However, some factors affecting telecom recovery include, contract non-compliance, contract terms and conditions, tariff and service delivery details.
More on Telecom Refunds and Recovery
In this paragraph, I’m going to discuss a few more notes on how telecom audits capture refunds and recovery. First, we review your companies entire technology spend and capture all your telecom billing errors found in voice, data, and wireless accounts. Second, we file telecom disputes with each telecom Service Provider. Third, and most importantly, Auditel monitors each telecom dispute until the telecom company delivers credit or refund receipt. In fact, we deliver highest telecom auditing savings and recovery.
How can I save on my company phone bills?
Saving on telephone bills is not as simple as it sounds. Technology has changed, however, Auditel can still bring our clients real reliable savings. Our clients save on average over 25% with many saving above 36%. We give accurate, proven phone bill recommendations that deliver bottom line savings on each phone bill.We provide real telecom management solutions and savings on company phone bills.Auditel telecom auditing project is more than just phone bill auditing. Auditel telecom audit includes the data bills, wireless bills, along with internet bills.As, we bring an in depth review of each telecom service including features, fees, surcharges and telecom taxes. Additionally, a full telecom audit can bring to the forefront services that were used in the past, but are no longer needed. In addition, we find that identifying all telecom services helps reduce expense while also bringing accurate telecom inventory.

How can I save on my phone bills?
More on Telecom Auditing with Bill Optimization
What is telecom bill optimization?
Telecom bill optimization is part of our telecom audit. We perform an ongoing analysis as we check and document the usage of each telecom service as it varies from month to month. Since this optimization can reduce the waste found in services that may not be utilized, or functioning properly. Further, this waste could be from unused features, or services. Auditel tests each service to verify it is being used, as we document our findings in our telecom reporting. Moreover, Auditel analyzes each telecom service, such as voice services, phone, wireless auditing, and data. However, many telecom services may not be utilized. In addition, contract non-compliance, non-functioning old legacy service, or lines not functioning. In addition, business run smoothly when they have a detailed inventory, tested, and verified, working at each location. With every business the phone is still the most important avenue for clients to reach you.
With Auditel telecommunication bill investigation, we not only deliver telecom bill auditing and expert solutions. But, we also bring your company cost reductions. Meanwhile, we only bill a fraction of the savings we deliver on contingency basis. We investigate your telecommunications bills and find mistakes and overcharges. After we submit our findings and options to your business, then it is your decision. So, with our contingency based fees, clients only pay a portion of the savings we deliver. To conclude, Auditel clients realize telecom savings, or there is no fee. In short, we publish up to date information on disputes and FCC regulations within telecom news.
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