To answer the question what can your company gain from a telecommunication bill audit, we start with a valid inventory. Building a telecom inventory is helpful to your entire team. Making it simple to view your telecom services by location, service type, and usage is a good start, but our audits also include contract information. Knowing the services at each location can be helpful, but this is just one element for the basis of telecommunication bill audit reporting. It’s important to validate all the inventory and contracts before considering cancelling or changing providers.
Barbara Clements, President of Auditel, Inc. says “Millions of dollars are lost each day in telecom billing errors and many of those are entitled to refunds. After analyzing a large newspapers telecom bills we found 52% in refunds! Another telecom savings example is from a large medical supply firm whose audit produced $2.5 million in telecom expense reduction. Your company is most certainly paying for more errors than you think. Have you ever cancelled a line and heard the disconnected tone only to find out months later that the billing never stopped? Your company needs the added assurance you get from our telecommunication bill audit. With constant follow up on every telecom request we obtain the savings from telecom disputes that show up on client invoices.”
Telecommunication bill audit – Key is identifying each service
Furthermore, your company can gain valuable usage information from a telecommunication bill audit. Auditel will give many months of usage for clients to review. This helps to determine the operation and use of each service. The key to a validated telecom inventory is identifying each service and feature.
Does your company know all of their fire alarm circuits, and security lines? With a telecom audit, Auditel delivers a telecom inventory. With our help, your company will see your telecom services in a whole new light. In addition your company can gain savings, recovery and security from our telecom audit. Auditel telecom recovery brings revenue! This telecom recovery is obtained from filing disputes on historical phone and telecom billings. A valid telecom inventory brings peace of mind. Auditel delivers much more than an ordinary telecommunication bill audit. We bring customer satisfaction, telecom security, and the highest telecom recovery and savings. The added benefit is that our services are contingency based with no investment required.