‘HOW MANY ERRORS ARE IN YOUR PHONE BILLS?’ ORLANDO, FL – (Send2Press Newswire) — Auditel Inc. of Florida (www.auditelinc.com) desires to educate the business and government communities on one important fact; they are almost certainly paying for errors in their telecom bills. USA Today, July 31, 2003, reporter Andrew Backover noted, “Phone company billing complaints jumped 5,523 in the first three months of 2003, up 65% from a year earlier, the Federal Communications Commission says.” In the same article, SBC says, “Most often, customer complaints center on being overcharged, rising fees and confusing bills.”
Auditing Makes Sense
“We have found most companies don’t have a trained billing auditor, and most have never had a detailed telecom audit,” says Auditel President Barbara Clements. “Through no fault of their own, your AP Department can’t identify tariff billing errors. Many corporations assume their telecom service staff has the time and training to audit their bills. We have found that many large corporations have a telecom department, but almost none have a telecom billing staff.”
Auditing Example
For example, having a complete audit is like having a car washed versus having the car totally detailed. The same is true of an audit. Some firms “cherry pick” the tops of phone bills, while others use bill scanning software. So, for a full audit you will need a firm with a different approach including: Customer Service Record review, tariff analysis, inventory index, contract review, and bill consolidation. Tariff-trained auditors produce better audits. Too many firms have minimums leaving tariff violations, errors, and mistakes. So, always get a second opinion, if you’re uncertain of any telecom audit.
Overcharges, Errors – Your Corporation Needs Refunds
Do you know why your bills contain overcharges? In other words, human error, LEC portability, computer error, contract clauses, incorrect order placement, inaccurate rates, mergers and acquisitions, etc. In fact, placing correct orders, and maintaining current accurate records, will help in obtaining refunds.
Are you interested in learning how to audit your own bills? If so, we recommend telecom expense management workshop based training. These telecom trainings are not seminars. Students learn detailed auditing process with actual bill auditing. Learn to audit, manage, and maintain your telecom bills.
Take the Auditel Challenge
Auditel Inc. of Florida providing auditing solutions for businesses and government entities for over 27 years. Additionally, Auditel offers telecom audit outsourcing, training, and consulting. Auditel Telecom Workshops now available to the Entrepreneur. https://auditelinc.com
Company Website: www.auditelinc.com
Source of News: Auditel Inc. of Florida